21 Together
While also being a key partner in creating our content, 21 Together use our Learning for Life with their teenagers in their S Club. Alongside additional therapies, our content is part of their key curriculum.
“Whatever works for that young person, there is something in that pack for them” - Emmie, Support Worker
TONIC Report
Independent report into the Teach Me Too project, used across settings by educators in Hertfordshire.
“The materials demonstrated how to break down teaching into simpler steps so this was very beneficial for staff to see this.” - SENCO, Primary
Jake - Ambassador
Like many of our community, Jake had some problems in school, getting in trouble for inappropriate behaviour.
“Doing ‘Growing Up and Keeping Safe’ with him has been absolutely brilliant because it proves he can get the concepts, but they need to be delivered in the right way.” - Sheryl, Jake’s mum
Denise Chapman, using Teach Me Too
“They enjoyed the videos... this built their confidence and they became more engaged and verbal.”
Kirsty Buckland, using Learning for Life
“I was very impressed with the programme, there is nothing out there like it to support mainstream school [delivering] SRE and PSHE to those pupils needing a highly differentiated curriculum.”
Down’s Syndrome Scotland